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YES! You need to take vitamins! Here is why!

Sep 27, 2022
Kim Smadis's Lifestyle
YES! You need to take vitamins! Here is why!

How useful are Vitamins?

What is a vitamin and why do we need them. A vitamin is an organic compound and these are essential to help your body grow and remain healthy. What this means, in simple terms, is that a vitamin is a natural chemical. Of the essential vitamins, there are thirteen major ones, the lack of any one of them can mean you are deficient in a certain vitamin.

I was the person, before cancer, that bought the "All-in-one" vitamins from Costco or the Drug Store. I thought they are all the same!  You are just going to have expensive urine.  I know you have probably heard that before.  Then cancer hit and my journey to understand how to heal the body became my life.  This is where I learned about whole food and high-absorption vitamins.  This alone, was a massive shift in my family's health!

Vitamins come in two distinct types, those soluble in fats and those soluble in water. Of the major vitamins, A, D, E and K are the ones soluble in fats and Vitamins B and C are water-soluble. The water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body and so these need to be topped up regularly.

The usual way to get vitamins into your body is oral. Some vitamins can be taken by injection such as vitamin B12, but this must be only carried out by a fully qualified practitioner. By taking vitamins orally they must pass through your digestive system and the strong acids in your stomach can destroy much of the usefulness of the vitamins.  Therefore, it is critical that you take good, high-quality, whole food, high absorption vitamins.

I just want to mention a few examples of where supplementation is a must:

  • Vitamin B12.  This is a vitamin that vegetarians need to look out for.
  • Vitamin C and B can be lacking in elderly people.
  • People working night shifts could have a lack of Vitamin D as your body produces this during sunlight hours.
  • Overworked people, people under pressure and people suffering from stress could be lacking in Vitamin B and C. People on diets can also lack these 2 vitamins. Vitamin B can be lacking in heavy drinkers and vitamin C deficiency can be a problem area for heavy smokers as well as heavy drinkers.

If you have a normal well-balanced diet, most think this should provide your body with the vitamins it needs.  That is the farthest from the truth.  Our food is so depleted in nutrients due to hormones, mass production, factory settings, soil overuse and so much more.  If you ate a perfect diet, you still need to take good whole food vitamins. 

I am always asked why doTERRA's Vitamins? or of course, you would recommend theirs.

I remember when I got back from Indonesia, my goal was to find a pure, concentrated essential oil to supplement my cancer protocol.  I research and research and research.  You guys know what I do!  That is when I found doTERRA.  Let me be honest, I didn't even look at their vitamins at the beginning.  I focused on just the essential oils and was paying my natural path $500 a month for my vitamins.

It wasn't until a cancer sister of mine said, "Why are you not taking doTERRA's Life Long Vitality, DDR Prime, PB Assist,.......and on and on".  I decided to investigate the entire vitamin and supplement line.  I have no clue why I didn't look into them at the beginning.  When I put them through the test of what I knew I needed in vitamins and what to look for, I was once again amazed at the quality, purity, and absorption.  Five years later I have now helped millions.  You don't need to pay thousands of dollars for high-quality vitamins.

Here is a link that will give you more information about why I am an advocate for doTERRA’s pure, whole food vitamin line.  If you want help figuring out what is best for you, or you want one of my protocols, please feel free to reach out.







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